Day 4 Free Day
The view of Haikou from our room. We watch the people do their dances/exercises every morning.

Boy......did we ever need a day like today. No schedule, no place to be. We just hung out and got some rest. I repacked our bags and made a large bag to give to the orphanage tomorrow. Finally, we're able to leave some more things behind that we've been hauling around. It will all be worth it I'm sure. We're now within our luggage limits and down to 3 checked bags and we each have a carry on. It should be much easier to maneuver around the airport. Luke
is feeling more and more comfortable.
He had his first separation
attack while I was in the shower. He would take no consoling from his gpa. I know this is a good sign that our bonding is progressing and he's getting attached to me. He also felt comfortable enough to throw his first fit. You know, the kind when a 3 year old doesn't get his way. We had the works, with kicks and screams. Thankfully it didin't last long. We wish we were heading home tomorrow but at least we're in for a change and that will help time go faster. Our orphanage visit is scheduled for 10:00 am. I have very mixed emotions about that. I will be looking for a special little boy that's being adopted at the end of summer. We a special gift and hope to get lots of pictures for his family. This was done for us by two wonderful families, it's so nice to be able to do it for someone else. Our flight leaves for Guangzhou at 6 pm.

Our chefs at the Czech Republic banquet. We're still laughing about that one!

All ready for bed in J.T.'s jammies!
Papa shared his oatmeal and it was a hit!

I wanna hear the banquet story!! : ) You all look great together!
oh luke looks sooo cute in these pictures. I hope he is even cuter in the other pictures. He's looking good,
healthy, and happy.
Mercedes Olguin
(one of mr. G's students)
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