We made it to Beijing!

We met up at breakfast this morning. It was so good to see the Crebbins! We traveled in 04 together and it's just so amazing we're back in China at the same time.
We pretty much did the same tour as last time. I've come to the conclusion that, "You've seen one palace, you've seem them all." I must admit though, walking through the Square and Forbidden City in the sunshine definitely tops the sub zero temps of 04. Dad is being such a trooper. It was a long day, lots of walking and lots of Chinese food. He's doing fine and seems to be taking it all in. The Chinese people all think he's my husband. Ewe! I just keep repeating "Ba Ba" which means father. We also visited the pearl factory and silk factory. I'm looking forward to the church service tomorrow. Then it's The Great Wall and Jade factory. We are going to go to an acrobact show tomorrow night which I've never seen. We had quite shocking news today. We were told that our In Country luggage limit is 44 lbs each. YIKES!!! I told dad it was 44 lbs per bag. I'm in a heap of trouble and starting to sort through and begin my "donation" pile. I went to the Chinese Walmart tonight and bought some cheap carry ons. I have to leave my 2 big suitcases here. One of them was donations for the orphanage. That bums me out. Please pray that we can get to Hainan without too much stress or extra fees. I guess because our flight is sooooo long, they're going to be extra strict with weight limits. Oh great......

It's so good to see your pictures. I wondered what it would look like without the ice. Are there lots of flowers?
I'm praying for you and can't wait to see more.
Hey, how about the beefaroni??? That could lighten your load. LOL
Love you,
PS It was neat to see Sherry and Linekar!
What a blessing that you made it to China safely!! We can't wait for your union with Luke on Monday. It sure looks more pleasant in the sun. :)
Liz! Yahoo...you made it! :o) So good to hear you got there all safe and sound (you didn't crash--on this one, at least!). Eat some duck for us. :o) :o) The Summer Palace looks great unfrozen! Can't wait to see Luke in your arms,
HI Liz!!! We'll it is AWESOME that you all are there. Please hug the Crebbins and have them hug you for us!! Also say hi to the Clark family. They are adopting a little girl from our sons orphanage and they live here in the Atlanta area. Wish we were with you. Our Clay Crosse concert is about 5 1/2 hours away.. and I'm so nervous I think I'm going to be sick... or maybe I got the Crebbin's stomach bug. Either way, I'll be glad when tomorrow is here. We'll be watching every post for news of Luke!!
Love & Miss You guys!
Debbie Miller
Yahooo Liz!! I am so thankful you all made it. Say hi to the Crebbins too- and give that boy, Luke a big hug from us. We can't wait to see you on the 27th!! : ) How fun to see Sherry and Linnekar too.
Hello, Lib! Your blog looks great from here. You and Grandpa are so cute! I can't wait to hear from you again.
Love You!
Dear Mrs. Gividen,
I hope you are having a fun time in China.I hope you get your baby Luke soon and you have a fun time with baby Luke.If you can, could you please bring him to school? It is also really beautiful in China. :-)
Sincerely, Matthew Broaddus
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