Upcoming Surgery

Dear Friends and Family,
We are asking for prayers for Luke. He is having his palate repaired, tubes in his ears, and a circumcision Monday, August 21st. We need to have him at the admitting desk at 5:00 am. My sister Jill, niece Bethany, and I, will leave Sunday afternoon and have a little fun in L.A. before the big event on Monday.
Please pray for the doctors, the surgery to go perfectly, Mark and the kids heading to their first day back to school, but most of all, pray for Luke's healing and comfort. It will be incredibly difficult to see him in such pain. Please pray he will know in his heart that I still love him and want what's best for him.
He is such a happy little guy. If it weren't for his speech delay, you'd never even know he had a cleft palate. He has

Our love for this little guy just grows by leaps and bounds everyday. He has come so far, and we are so very proud to be his family.
Thanks for your prayers. I will keep you updated on his progress.

Wish I could meet you in person, because we have MUCH in common, but are on the other side of the country. We are waiting on our second adoption, a little girl with a cleft palate/lip in China. I loved looking through your blog... what a neat testimony to our wonderful Lord.
We'll be praying for little Luke.
Karen (www.fromuswithlove.blogspot.com)
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