Monday, January 28, 2008

Work? What's That??

Today was our 5th day in a row with no school! We felt a tad guilty but that faded quickly as we headed outside to play in the snow!

Check out these smiles......




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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Remain Calm............

We are home today and doing great. The doctor's last words were , "Keep him calm for about 2 weeks." Funny, funny man.......

He slept great and so far is willing to keep his cup on his ear. The incision is behind the ear and they'd really like to keep it protected for a few days.

Thanks for your prayers!


Luke is a pro at this waiting stuff............

Superman entertains Luke

Mark's turn at entertaining

Linsey was a great help in passing the wait time.

Sweet Lucas

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Here's to an Enchanted New Year!

My dear friend Karri and I took our girls to Hollywood today! We went to the El Capitan Theater to see the movie "Enchanted" and meet the Disney Princesses. It was a great day and the girls had a ball.

Enjoy the show!

Ringing in the New Year

Linsey, Luke and Aminah partied the night away at Nana and Papa's house.

Happy New Year!!