More News About Luke

Vicki's latest email about our boy!
Dear Liz and Mark,
Hi! I just wanted to let you know that we are back and thrilled to be home. What a trip - it was a whirlwind. I will be sending you some pictures very soon.
I also wanted to let you know that after all the fuss over the $5000 in clean US bills, Hainan province wants it in Chinese money - no American money. Luckily, I was able to change it at the hotel within 48 hours and pay them then, but it was a little embarrassing. They want it all in Chinese currency, including all fees. Had I known that, I would have changed it in advance of the adoption day. The only American money you need in China for adoption from this province is the $380 in Guangzhou for the Consulate.
I hope you are well, and that your process is moving along. There was another couple from CA on this trip that waited for over a year to complete their SN adoption due to the I-171 hangups. California must be a busy international adoption state!

Luke is clearly looking forward to seeing you and going with you, and he is well aware of the what is going on. The kids all look forward to being adopted and are so happy for eachother when it happens. I was amazed. We picked up Aidan on a Tuesday, and scheduled a visit to the orphanage on Friday, which I was afraid would be traumatic for him, but it ended up being a big "going away party" feel - all the kids were so excited to see him again with his mom and brother, and at the end of the visit, it was everyone waving goodbye to him and to us as we left. Aidan was smiling and waving at all the kids, too. There were no tears. We got into a taxi, and drove away...It was a great experience.
I'll be in touch very soon!


Luke is so adorable. I can't wait for our playgroup to increase. Aminah is going to love playing with Luke as much as she loves playing with his sister, Linsey.
He looks wonderful! I am so excited for you, and so thankful that you have these wonderful updates so you know how happy, healthy and well-taken care of he is. I know it isa tremendous relief to be able to rest in the assurance he is in a great place, waiting for his forever family!
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