Journey To Luke
This once was a journal of our "Journey to Luke."'s my journal of the Gividen Family Happenings.
Monday, May 29, 2006
Sweet Home California!

Thank you, thank you, thank you, for your prayers, emails, comments, and love while we were away.
Dad, Luke, and I arrived into Burbank Sat. afternoon. It was long. It was rough. But.......we are home and oh so happy!
Mark, Mom and Linsey greeted us along with my friend Jenny! It was quite an emotional homecoming.
Linsey has been amazing with Luke. Things are going better than I ever dreamed.
Thanks for your continued prayers as we move into this new life of ours.

Thursday, May 25, 2006
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Hangin Out in the Apartment see what I mean? That is the end table by my bed....That is the light switch on the wall......that is my 3 year old having fun!!!


Dad is talking to mom. Luke decides it's time to blow bubbles.

The simplest things can entertain him for quite awhile!
I just wanted to thank you all for your prayers, emails, and comments. Although, they usually make me really helps to hear from home. I miss my family so much it hurts. I know this is all God's perfect plan, and HE will get us home safe and sound.
You are loved!!
Elizabeth and the boys

Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Park Day

He is keeping us on our toes that's for sure. He is adorable, darling, sweet, and stubborn as the day is long. He holds a grudge and kicks when he doesn't get his way. He knows he is loved though, and today started blowing kisses!

Some "downtime" in the apartment. His favorite time of the day seems to be after his bath when he just plays with dad and me. He gets pretty wound up, and yells at us in Chinese. He doesn't like bedtime much anymore.

Monday, May 22, 2006
Yes, those are shorts on his head. Yes, he's a nut and YES he is pretty much potty trained! Whooo Hoooo!

Clean baby boy.

Luke is very neat. He wipes his mouth after every bite, cleans up every little crumb, and loves to cut his watermelon into little pieces.

Hey "doc" my ears already stick you mind??